Qi beauty reviews

"I love my Qi beauty Spritz! I take it with me everywhere!"
-Margot Robbie, Gold Coast
-Jane Northup, Gold CoastI started using Qi beauty about 4 weeks ago and have noticed the lines around my mouth and eyes are much less noticeable, my jaw line seems to be much tighter and my lips are fuller and eyelids not as droopy. Already I am getting comments like ‘You look 10 years younger than the last time I saw you’ Thank you for making Qi beauty available to those of us who want to look as young as we feel.
Sass Malone, Gold CoastWhen I heard about the Qi microspheres I was sceptical because I had never seen anything like it but decided to give it a try. I used it that first night and woke to find half the wrinkles on my cheeks had disappeared. I couldn’t believe it. In fact I rang them the next day because I was so amazed and wanted to know more about it. Over the next few weeks half of the wrinkles around my eyes and mouth disappeared so I raced back to get the refill pack. I have tried a lot of products and I am amazed that such an inexpensive non-evasive product could take ten years off.
Christine Setterfield, Gold CoastI am over 50 years old and will never look 30 again but Qi beauty is my answer to a facelift. It has greatly reduced the lines at the sides of my mouth over my cheeks and around my eyes. I really can’t believe the results. I had seen the results on others but was not totally convinced until I used the system myself. It is a truly amazing product
Marie Woodhouse, Gold CoastFor years I have been using Dr LeWinns private formula and was pleased with the results but since using it with the Qi beauty magnetic patches my face looks fresh, soft, healthy, less lined and more alive. I have even been asked if I had a face lift. My skin has not looked this good in years.
Maggie Brown, Gold CoastI have been using Qi beauty since January and I have noticed the softness has come back into my skin. I am a nurse always on the run so I need a product that is quick and easy like Qi. My face feels wonderful and I have even been told I look 10 years younger.
Karen Weatherseed, Gold CoastA very attractive part of Qi beauty for me is how easy it is to use. The gold patches are so quick and straight forward and take only a minute to apply before moisturising and going to bed. I noticed my skin was more supple and smooth and was pleasantly surprised by the comments I received about having a healthy complexion. I would certainly use Qi patches on a long term basis in conjunction with my moisturisers!
Sarie Kessler, PhysiotherapistFor the past three years, I’ve used the Miessence range of certified organic skincare products which I love and I’m finding that the very beneficial effects of the Miessence products are enhanced when I use the Qi beauty patches. The proof of all this, for me, has been the positive comments I’ve received, for example, “You’re looking really good”, “Have you been on a holiday – you look so rested”. It’s music to my ears! (Especially when absolutely nothing has changed in my life, apart from the regular application of the Qi beauty patches.) I can totally recommend the use of this innovative product.
Tamara McPhan, Gold CoastAfter having a Qi Beauty facial yesterday personalised to Acne and congested skin, all I can say is WOW!
The impurities have never come out of my skin so easily, there is no redness or breakouts and my skin feels lighter and fresher. The cystic spots appear to be reducing and are no longer painful. I couldn't be happier with the result.
Thank you so much for a truly spectacular product and I cannot wait for my next facial xxx
Margot Robbie, Gold CoastI love my Qi beauty Spritz! I take it with me everywhere!
Cheryl Yamazaki, Gold CoastI have been using Qi Beauty now for about six months. My skin is softer, smoother and much less lined. I have had some success with other skincare but not to the same extent as since using the patches. People now comment on the clearness of my skin and it has even started to help with the bags under my eyes since using additional points on my face. I still use my normal skincare and the patches are very easy and quick to use. With three children and two business locations in Queensland, I appreciate the procedure not taking away any of my sleep time! I feel lucky to have come across them when I did and will definitely continue using and recommending their use to others.
Kellie Ransom, Gold CoastHi Kathy,
You asked me to contact you after using the patches for a month so here I am. I have just picked up another home kit from your clinic to continue the treatment because I just love it.
You may remember I was concerned that I wouldn’t have time to use them with kids and a baby, but you were right they take a minute to put on. My face looks more alive and I don’t look like I have a permanent frown all the time. My skin is smoother, less lined and I feel like the patches disable or relax the muscles that cause my furrows. I find them so easy to use and sleep really well with them on. I know this sounds weird but they have an uplifting effect on me. I look better and younger since using them and this has given me more confidence and has given me a new lease on life.
Great product. Thanks!
Richard Jensen, Gold CoastAmazing product!! Im not one for beauty and skin but when the wife insisted i try her magic Qi fade after a break out pre work conference i was amazed at how it helped my skin over night! 5 stars!