Skin Health Recovery Using Qi beauty SMF Technology.
This is an excerpt from Kathy Pedersen’s Paper, The Recovery Potential of Skin 2013.
“Until recently the recovery potential of skin was determined by DNA and lifestyle. It was only during studies in the field of quantum physics and in particular the influence of Static Magnetic Fields (SMF) on behaviour patterns in lipid bilayers that recently altered our view of skin.”
“We now know that a SMF affects cell size, shape, orientation and membrane surface structure. Evidence supports that the physical manifestations of changes in blood perfusion, skin fibroblasts, cell morphology and lipid rearrangement are interfaced with energy systems related to static magnetic fields. A view of skin within an SMF reveals a molecular world of energetic relationships, centrally connected and constantly signaling via somatosensory nerves. Understanding its biochemistry, microstructure and content, brings the realisation that the appearance of skin is being controlled from within.
It is important to note from the outset that a SMF can extend to a depth of 6-20mm below the surface of the skin depending on strength and location of the fields. Also, the lipid bilayer which is known to be selectively permeable, is instantly responsive to a SMF. It is here that gradient influence has its greatest effect, increasing hydration and blood flow and altering tissue permeability to strengthen the keratinocyte cytoskeleton. Gauss (strength) and polarity of micro-magnets when used with precision, provide stimuli to the skin to provoke pathways and mediators to initiate adaptive or homeostatic responses leading to recovery from ageing influences such as toxic skin factors and the breakdown of healthy skin flora. Increased permeation of both hydrophilic and lipophilic substances triggers increased amino acid, enzyme and neuropeptide activity. This is seen within 15 to 20 minutes of application of a high precision SMF with controlled varying gradients, as skin firms to touch and gains “bounce”.
Skin ageing is multifactorial as skin loses elasticity with diminished epidermal hydration and slower turnover of cells and tissues. Fat cells in the subcutis slow down their metabolic activity leading to a loss of fatty tissue. Nutrient supply decreases while TCF proteins and natural moisturising factor (NMF) in the Stratum Corneum are diminished. The process of epidermal renewal is ensured by antigen p63 and CD29 (integrin ß-1B), expressed in epidermal stem cells in the basal layer. These proliferative progenitor cells have the capacity for self-renewal and for generating the differentiated cells that create the stratified epithelium of terminally differentiating cells. A Static Magnetic Field which has the potential to extend to great depths offers a unique opportunity for recovery and a lifetime of age control.
“The physical manifestations of changes in skin fibroblasts, blood profusion, cell morphology and lipid rearrangement, are interfaced with energy systems related to Static Magnetic Fields”
-Kathy Pedersen, developer and global trainer Qi beauty International
As we age cellular activity diminishes and the nutrient support enjoyed by younger skin becomes compromised. Qi beauty™ treatments create a controlled SMF matrix with varying gradients to change the landscape of the skin and stimulate volume and tone where needed.”
Qi beauty technology uses controlled high gradient SMF for skin health and aesthetic application. The Qi beauty Home Kit and Facial Treatment use the same technology in different applications to deliver sustainable skincare for anti-aging, pro-health and skin repair.