Qi beauty Practitioner Certification
Launch Qi beauty immediately with our comprehensive Practitioner Certification + Provider Start-Up Pack + Training Kit.
Featuring the essential Qi beauty protocols and products to guarantee you deliver the Qi beauty Experience and outstanding results
Training Specs
Training Overview
- Live online via Zoom with Qi beauty Founder, Kathy Pedersen
- Three lessons over three weeks
- Self-paced treatment performances between lessons
- Online resources assist continued learning and revision qibeautyacademy.com.au
- Training replay available if practitioners or team members are unable to attend lessons
- Provider Start-up and Training Kit included
Training Schedule
- Lesson One: Live online, no model required
- Treatment performances self paced, online resources assist performances
- Lesson Two: Live online, no model required
- Treatment performances self paced, online resources assist performances
- Lesson Three: Live online, no model required
Practitioner Certification is awarded after successful completion of treatment performances
Provider Start Up
- 20 double pods (25-35 full treatments)
- 250ml acu gel (inert skin conductor)
- 100ml Intense Oil (skin nutrient)
- 15ml Eye Serum
- 2 x brush for oil application
- 2 sheets micro magnets (clinical application of micro magnet on adhesive tape)
- One retail Home Kit
Training Kit
- 6 double pods for treatment performances
- 30ml each: clarity cleanser, acu-gel, intense oil, nourish moisturiser
- Online resources (https://qibeauty.teachable.com)

Join The Qi beauty Academy
Education and continuing education for new and experienced therapists in the aesthetics and holistic wellness industry
Where does Qi beauty come from?
Qi beauty originated on the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia. The creation of Qi beauty by Founder Kathy Pedersen all started with the idea to put cosmetic acupuncture into a box - needle free. From the creation of the Home Kit Qi beauty evolved into Australian Made 'Made with Organics' Skincare and the professional treatment known as the Qi beauty Facial.
How does it work?
Qi beauty treatments employ directed static magnetic fields (SMF) to influence the cellular processes of skin tissues.
Recent applications of SMF in regenerative medicine include the treatment of bone and muscle regeneration and wound healing. Qi beauty treatments are based on similar principles of SMF technology to influence cellular processes for anti-age and the treatment of skin conditions.
High precision positioning of gauss specific micro-magnets alter the lipid bi-layer without heating skin tissues. A non- injurious treatment, known to assist skin repair, a Qi beauty treatment does not require downtime or recovery.
Positive alterations in tissue density, depth of facial lines, skin strength, inflammatory conditions including scarring are evident after treatment.
How do I train?
Training is Live Online Via Zoom with Qi beauty Founder, Kathy Pedersen. Certification training includes a training pack for hands on performance and a provider start-up pack so you are ready to launch Qi beauty treatments immediately.
The Qi beauty Academy is your personal online resources with treatment demonstrations of all Qi beauty protocols discussed during training so you feel supported with visual and hands-on learning
Is it group training?
Training caters to individual practitioners and teams of all sizes.
- Small Group Training: Ideal for solo practitioners who would like to learn in a group setting
- Team Training: Suitable for teams and groups of 3+ therapists. This training is tailored to your business.
- One-to-One training: If you prefer a personalised experience you can opt for private tuition with Kathy. This gives the option of fast-tracking your training.
What do I get?
Upon successful completion of training and treatment performances Practitioners receive Qi beauty Practitioner Certification
- Training Kit
- Provider Start-Up Pack
- Printed practitioner manual
- Online learning resources for 3 months following Certification
- Access to Continuing Education Program $139USD/y
- Business start-up: Intake, treatment forms
- Media and launch promo
- Professional photos for web, print and social media
- Listing on website
- Cross promotion via 3 instagram channels
What If I can't Make the Dates?
If you can't attend all the dates in your training schedule don't worry!
- Join any upcoming training if you would like to resit or review a lesson
- Replay option available in your private academy portal
- Book a 30min one-to-one with Kathy to discuss your business and Qi beauty integration following certification
Bring Skin To Life

Kathy Pedersen
" The development of Qi beauty began with the bold idea of utilising quantum energy for age control, which proved to be before it's time. It was 2001 and the aesthetics industry in Australia was excited by new cosmetic technologies such as IPL and fillers and were finding their way with how much was too much. I felt deeply that we were going in the wrong direction and noted that many women were choosing aesthetics over health."