The New Skin Assessment à la Qi beauty Practitioner
From a wrinkle under the eye, to the tip of a toe, the woven world of meridians transforms currents under the skin to influence skin redness, depth of lines, tissue density, pigment, nutrient supply and overall skin health. Harnessing this dynamic quantum system, Qi beauty Practitioners work quickly and surprisingly fluidly over the face to build a Micro-Magnet Matrix. Complex and creatively satisfying, their treatment abides by the methodology of Qi beauty quantum based techniques.
“To the Qi beauty Practitioner TCM based theory makes sense in a unique skin therapy consultation”
So, what sets the Qi beauty Practitioner apart? The Qi beauty Practitioner assesses the facial landscape a little differently, looking for deficiencies and excesses for a bigger picture view. Excessive redness - open the meridian, facial sag - reservoir tightly, pigmentation - border the weakness, deficiency - push the qi, oedema - detoxify from Ki 27. That’s some of the language they use and the techniques employed when personalising treatments.
The Qi beauty Practitioner always begins with the mind/body connection before gently laying a matrix on the skin. Their treatment will feature diverse gradients with mechanical push-pull qualities to levitate precious nutrients residing within the fluids below. Dark circles under the eyes and stasis, sinking facial tissues and hormones, skin redness and the ‘tripe warmer meridian’, to a Qi beauty Practitioner this TCM based theory makes sense in a unique skin therapy consultation.
A master observer, the Qi beauty Practitioner monitors the ebb and flow taking place under the Matrix. They are looking for signs of maximum signalling, assessing the peaks and troughs, adjusting the matrix from time to time and pushing the qi to assure homeostasis. They are looking for redness shifting out, filling of depressions, clearing of facial tissues, emerging luminosity, changing skin colour, all cues meaning organically derived oxygenation, vaso- normative responses, detoxification of metabolic waste, levitation of gags and efficient circulation of qi.
The Qi beauty Practitioner always begins with the mind-body connection
Sometimes the skin is trying to tell us something, offering an early warning, but often, we don’t take the hint. The Qi beauty Practitioner looks for answers beyond the conventional skin assessment.