Join me and self care with Qi
Join me and self care with Qi beauty. The Home Kit will give you the tools for 50 DIY skin treatments that will keep your skin energised, and your mind, calm.
Qi beauty skin treatments, peptide serum Anti-age, and herbal serum Fade, and Qi beauty Intense Oil. Layering serums for different skin purposes, and finishing with a skin nutrient intense oil to reduce underlying damage and microbiome support.
I love the home kit box; the drawer is so practical and functional. We chose this packaging, as we wanted something beautiful and useful. A box that would be thrown away didn’t suit Qi, so we wanted something women could keep and keep using. I have a couple at home that I use for travel, others are storage for old jewellery - oh and I also keep my skincare in them!
Before you use your home kit make sure your skin is clean. A gentle cleanse, warm water, soft exfoliation. the last thing that should touch your skin is water. Then you are ready for the Home Kit!
The home kit is so easy - there are three matrix included in the kit. The 12 point matrix is the essential matrix for ageing skin - the tools to support healthy, energetic ageing. After working with Qi beauty for the past 5 years, and growing up with it as my mum founded the company when I was 16, I still use the 12 point matrix. It is the ultimate, the essential.
These are my favourite nutrient products, I have classic combination skin/ sun damage/ barrier impaired, as soon as there is sun damage, there is impaired function of recovery and collagen, elastin, laminin-5 - all of these mechanisms are functioning at a slower rate. So that’s my skin - and 90% of skin we see using Qi beauty Home Kit. We don’t have an overrun of products to choose from - that’s because generally, all skins are dealing with the same mechanics - the mitochondria needs energy to power repair, growth, and health. Qi beauty is energy, so we have your skin covered.