Once a Week do these 3 things for Your Qi
We’re all looking for accessible ways to stay healthy and energized, these three things are simple and accessible and make a difference to the way you look and feel.
Once a week do these three simple things to increase and support your Qi.. But if you don't find the time, pick it up next week - or the week after. Doing it eventually is better than not doing it at all!
Energy Creates Energy.
The more you do, the more you’ll do!
Dry body brush
I would say the exfoliating action of dry body brushing is the secondary benefit of this technique. The systemic benefits of stimulating lymphatics and blood circulation is a pro-health, anti-aging and wellness technique that is accessible to everyone and good for your whole body.
After spending 2 minutes brushing you’ll feel invigorated as the nervous system stimulation supports vitality.
When you first start DBB your skin might feel raw, go lighter over sensitive skin like your back and stomach or skip areas that are uncomfortable.
Start at your feet
Always brush up towards the heart
Work bilaterally_
right ankle to the knee, left ankle to the knee, right knee- hip, left knee - hip.
brush quickly, moving upwards.
When you get to your upper body, brush from the hairline down to the tip of the shoulder, this is particularly beneficial if you hold tension in your shoulders and neck.
Brush towards the main lymph nodes to assist lymphatic drainage.
2. Wear your Matrix
Stimulating your skin once a week to excite dermal gags, levitate compounds and charge your cells is anti-aging.
Every 6 weeks our skin cells are replaced by new cells. Our cells are replaced in the memory of the previous cell - so let’s make them energetic!
Follow the 12 point matrix for a skin workout, layer your favourite serums for increased transdermal delivery and spend a couple of hours with your Qi.
3. Stretch and breathe
Breathing oxygenates your whole body - and your skin! Breathe deeply into your lower lungs, feeling the air expand your ribcage and fill the belly.
Qi beauty Breathing exercise
Sit comfortably. Settle into your posture with a few long breaths, dropping your shoulders, feeling your upper back, neck, and arms relax.
Inhale comfortably and hold for 1-2 seconds, exhale fully and hold for 1-2 seconds. As you practice breathing, this will become naturally deeper and longer breaths.
Build up to 4 seconds inhalation and 4 seconds exhalation.
Detoxify your mind.
Allow the air to fill every space in your body. Expanding into your belly, lungs, into your shoulders, up your neck and to the base of your scull. Detoxify your mind. Release your thoughts and sit with the breath.
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