Treating Acne_ A Practitioners Perspective
Principles for treating Acne Skin
- That “The first line of defence is the unbroken skin” .
- The treatment goal is to prevent new lesions and scarring.
- The importance of the skin barrier and homeostasis to encourage flora attachment to skin.
- The relationship between hormonal imbalance and acne.
- That treatment will sometimes not improve acne for 1-2 months (I discuss skin cycles).
- The importance of managing Androgen excess by managing increases in corticotrophin-releasing hormones when stressed.
- Managing the frustrating inflammatory cycle of bacterial and antigen penetration due to a damaged barrier for which I prescribe the Qi beauty treatment program according to the presenting condition and patient needs.
- The need to find and treat underlying inflammation. I recommend naturopathic, (diet/lifestyle) and acupuncture (internal factors and hormonal balance) consultations as part of the treatment program.
- The importance of consistent treatments for barrier repair to maintain skin flora and protect against eruptions
- Diet changes may be required to help build immunity and resilience
- A review of existing skin care routine, including product use and results.
- For Acne skin and aggressive eruptions I prescribe Fade Serum (diluted for severe acne).
Treating Acne_ A Practitioners Perspective
Generally, most people with mild acne have investigated their condition and have already begun to make changes to treat themselves or have investigated medical treatments but are concerned about adverse effects.
Many are avoiding conventional medical treatments and will only consider them as a last resort due to_
- Negative side effects and regulatory restrictions on prescriptions of isotretinoin
- Increased Bacteria resistance from antibiotics
- Documented increased incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
- Known negative effects from retinoic acid and benzoyl peroxide. (Skin dryness/irritation/breakage)
Most Acne sufferers seek to determine underlying causes for their condition and look to complementary therapies to help balance hormones, provide dietary advice, advise skin care programs, provide stress lowering treatments, treat underlying tissue damage and fix the skin barrier. Whilst people with Acne are usually very committed to following a treatment program, patience is key. Acne treatment is a slow process, and this is the difficulty when treating young adults who are anxious to see a result.
Acne is emotionally devastating for young people who often feel embarrassed, have lost self-confidence and are frustrated. In my experience, it is not unusual for a new patient to become emotional during the initial consultation.
I like to outline the process of sebum excretion and changes in activity to educate the patient about contributing factors and to debunk any myths they may have about Acne formation. I feel that a physiological explanation of sebum and skin takes some of the pressure away from the sense of failure young adults often have about the appearance of their skin.
Compliance is integral to a successful outcome so, design a treatment plan that sounds uncomplicated, easy to follow, positive and something you will do together. See the patient within a week after the first treatment to support and help maintain lower stress levels.