Qi insight with Dr. Lisa Dallin, pilates instructor, owner of Nourish, Qi beauty Practitioner and Trainer, Kelowna, Canada
Q: Do you have a life motto you live by?
Enjoy every moment, life is a wonderful journey. Embrace it.
Q: How do you stay organised in your business?
Colourful Sticky notes and my grandmothers words of wisdom " A place for everything and everything in its place"
image via @drlisadallin instagram
Q: What is your go to breakfast?
Don't cringe...I love leftover salads from dinner.
Q. How do you see work/life balance?
Very much like the Yin /Yang symbol from Chinese Medicine. It’s really important to have fun and enjoy all the moments of every day so rather than trying to keep everything super compartmentalized (I did that for years and always felt bad because I would rob time from my personal life to deal with work, or feel like I was loosing out on valuable work time if I took too much personal time...not a happy place ) Now I let the two coexist and meld into each other without a super firm framework. Sometimes our personal life and all the daily challenges happen during our "work" time and vice versa, its OK to pause and deal with what you have to, then go back to what you were doing. Try booking a break for yourself every hour and a half to two hours and take 30 minutes to enjoy being you. Grab tea, each lunch mindfully, call the plumber, electrician, car mechanic, walk around the block, chat with a friend..... know you have time to handle everything. At the end of your day you have been productive in all areas of your life, and most importantly you made time for yourself!!!
Q. What does your ideal morning look like?
Up early, I love the early mornings, its my private time to just be, ... tea sitting on the deck with the sunrise and early morning sounds and 15 minute meditation, then 30 minutes of Pilates. I always feel super energized when I start to my day like this. Breakfast (Yes left over salad) in front of the computer catching up on emails, social media & news then either outside to enjoy the day or sharing Qi beauty with clients and new Practitioners.
Q. Coffee or tea?
Tea of course!
Q. Air dry or blow dry?
Hmm, You're really asking Wild Woman or slightly controlled....
Q: If you were stranded on an island for one month, what two beauty products would you chose to have with you?
That's easy The HK and Intense Oil. I love these products and they come with me everywhere. I've even been known to use the "Express Method" for the HK while out for a quick paddle on my Paddle board, LOL and the intense oil, so amazing at balancing, and healing my skin in every season.
Q. Vintage or new?
Q. Your no.1 tip for someone wanting to open their own clinic or wellness venture?
Do what you love. Create a business model that incorporates joy and playfulness into your day.
Dr Lisa Dallin https_//drlisadallin.com
instagram: @drlisadallin